
Welcome to Energy Capital Economic Development Members Information Page

Welcome to Energy Capital Economic Development – formerly known as Campbell County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC). Energy Capital ED is a dynamic, evolving organization with a goal of making Campbell County a great place to do business. Campbell County has a wealth of culture, industry, and energy that make it an especially rewarding place to live and work. As the new CEO of Energy Capital ED, I am excited to be part of our organization's future and hope to bring the organization new direction, stability, creativity, and success. It is my goal that Energy Capital ED's investments of time, consultation, and capital will make Campbell County an even better place to do business, and not only attract new business, but grow our existing businesses as well.

Visit our Members Information page to learn more about how to be a part of Energy Capital Economic Development as a Member.




The following are those who believe in the future of our community - our current Members.




*Funds received from Campbell County are in part of the Optional 1% Sales Tax














Friend of Economic Development

Nonprofit Members

    Campbell County Chamber of Commerce

    Fur Kids Foundation

    Impact 307